+233 55 427 0683

About Us

Background of ASSI

The Association of Small Scale Industries (ASSI Ghana) is the apex body of trade sector associations within the manufacturing and service sectors in Ghana. ASSI was established in 1986 under the auspices of the National Board for Small Scale Industries (NBSSI) as a stopgap measure towards the fulfillment of its mandate. ASSI as an umbrella association is registered legally with the Registrar General’s Department and as a result is recognised as an actor in complementing State Institutions’ efforts in developing small scale industries in the country.

The main objective of the Association is to influence government to develop policies and programmes which will enhance the provision of infrastructural facilities for small-scale industries and building the capacity of its member associations through management and technical courses geared towards the upliftment of members of the Association.

Our Mission

The Mission of ASSI is to “assist and strengthen new and existing small scale industries to achieve economic development and viability to ensure growth whilst serving as the lead advocate for trade sector associations in Ghana”.


“Contribute to the improvement of the environment of small scale industries by creating a common platform for the expression of their views, taking collective action, delivering core services, and networking among members and other stakeholders in the industry”.

Aims & Objectives

  • Assist and strengthen new and existing small scale industries to achieve economic development
  • Influencing government to approve policies and programs which would enhance the provision of infrastructure and other economic facilities for the small scale industries
  • Organizes seminars, workshops, and different types of training programs to build the managerial capacities of members
  • Develop both vertical and horizontal linkages among various small scale sector industries as well as large / medium industries
  • Assist members to have access to credit
  • Encourage subcontracting between large, medium, and small enterprise


Meet The President

Alhaji Saeed Moomen serves as the current national president of ASSI. He has City and Guild Certificate (Radio and T.V). He is the Director of Fusaeed Electronic Servicing and training center. He has served in several leadership capacities such as the chairman of the Northern Regional Shippers Committee (N.R.S.C), Former Naib Sadr- Northern Sector (Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission) and National President -Ghana Electronics Service Technician (GESTA). As part of his achievements in the industry, Alhaji Saeed Moomen won the Gold award in electronics, awarded by the Ministry of Trade and Industry in 2014 at Coconut Grove Regency to award master craftsmen and women in various trade areas in Ghana.

Alhaji Moomen has had the opportunity to take part in several capacity building workshops home and abroad among which we cite; leadership training for SME’S in South Africa, Team Building and TVET in Germany, Total Quality Management Training (KAIZEN) in Malaysia, Leadership, Business & Management Training at GIMPA in Ghana and Financial Management Training in Ghana. He has tremendous experience in working with in the formal sector and this has made him occupy several positions to contribute to the development of businesses in the informal sector.

Governance Structure

ASSI is a democratic institution that believes in the laws of the country as well as laws and articles enshrined in its adopted constitution. The responsibilities of all officers either at the National and other branches are clearly captured in the constitution of the Association. ASSI’s Structure as described in its constitution is detailed as follows. The organizational structure of the National Association consists of the;

  • National Congress (NC)
    National Congress is the highest decision-making body of the Association charged with the responsibility of reviewing the general performance of the Association for a period.

  • National General Assembly (NGA)
    The NGA is the second highest decision-making body of the Association and is charged with duties such as the formulation of general polices and guidelines for the running of the Association etc.

  • National Executive Council (NEC)
    The National Executive Council is made up of the National President, Vice President, General Secretary, Financial Secretary, National Organizing Secretary, National Presidents of Sector Associations, Immediate Past President as honorary member and Regional Chairpersons.

  • Standing Committee (SC)
    The Standing Committee is made up of the President of ASSI, 5 sector Presidents and a Representative of Regional Chairpersons. The committee members shall be appointed by the NEC.

  • National Secretariat (NS)
    The Secretariat is the administrative unit of ASSI. Staff at the secretariat comprises the Administrative Secretary and all personnel working at the National Secretariat. The Administrative Secretary provides administrative support to the National officers. The Secretariat is the repository of all assets and documentation of the Association. Apart from the national executives at the national level, ASSI also have regional as well as district executives running the affairs of the Association at the grass root level.